
About Reform


Core Beliefs of The Reform Party of Alberta are:

Stronger Families 

It is critical to strengthen the family and marriage as the foundations of a free society.

The responsibility and authority for raising children rest primarily with their parents.

We believe that religious freedom and observance has an undeniably positive effect on our communities and our province, and is a cornerstone to the success of our society.

Compassionate Conservative

Help the poor, the truly needy, and those that have been left behind. Insist on accountability and results.

Fiscally Conservative

Mandatory balanced budgets, limited government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility for future generations

Democratically Conservative

Open, transparent, and responsive government can be achieved through free votes in the legislature, fixed election dates, and the right for citizens to recall Members of the Legislature.


True freedom comes from free speech, free markets, free minds and entrenching individual property rights.

Education Reform

Put the needs of all children first, by having funds follow the student to the school of their choice. This funding provides the resources necessary at the delivery level of education – the school – and eliminates wasteful spending and bureaucracy.

Health Care Reform

Put the needs of the patient first, by having funds follow the patient to the health care facility of their choice. This funding provides the resources necessary at the delivery level of health care – the health care facility – and eliminates wasteful spending and bureaucracy.


We believe that the best economic system to ensure the success of all Albertans is Free Enterprise. When Albertan ingenuity is allowed to operate with greater freedom, fewer governmental interventions and restrictions; progress, prosperity, and opportunity for all are sure to follow.